Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Please,please can it stop raining now!

This year we only have 8 gardens opening so far. I think because of all this rain it is putting people off. Well I hope that it is, what it is! I am just going to have to cross everything and pray it will be ok and more garden will come forward.
James as gone back to Uni and having a great time. Really enjoying reading all your blogs, a very wet Lesley and Percy.x


  1. How may gardens do you usually have open? I love visiting villages that open their gardens, they are all so different and interesting.
    Hope you aren't finding the house too quiet now James has returned to Uni. Time goes so fast it won't be long until he is home again.
    Sarah x

  2. It is great looking around other peoples gardens for ideas and of course most have delicious tea and cakes for sale too!

  3. Got ALL my fingers crossed for the weather improving for you Lesley. It all looks beautiful on the photos so hope everything comes together soon.
    Joasia x

  4. Hi Lesley. Thanks for following my blog. Your garden looks lovely and I really wish it would stop raining too. We saw the sun briefly yesterday afternoon but woke to rain again today! It's so depressing! My daughter (19) also started uni back in October last year. She's studying Art & Psychology at Reading (hoping to be an Art Therapist). I can't believe she has almost completed her first year! She is taking part in fundraising for ChildReach International (walking the Great Wall of China) in September so we are hoping to have an open garden/vintage tea party to help with her I'm also hoping the sun decides to shine. The wedding flowers (on the train) look beautiful.
