Thursday, 19 April 2012

This years Open Gardens.

Tonight we are going to have a meeting about this years Open Gardens. I hate talking in front of people but the open garden is so important to me.I will do whatever it takes to raise money for this charity. "Breakthrough Breast Cancer" I have done lots of Moon Walks with friends and with my Mr D bless him. I have even gone to New York with Walk the Walk. I think my days of pounding the streets are over. We have been having the Open Gardens here for about 10 years. I love my garden but it is not as lovely as many of the gardens that open.I have to spend so much time getting everything ready for the event that my poor garden get left behind but I sell cream teas so that makes up for it! I have so many lovely friends and my wonderful sister that help me I am truly blessed. Lets hope we can get enough gardens to open this year.
Oh and just as I was thinking of giving up my little flower business two brides callled me this week to ask me to do there flowers. They are both getting married in the old railway train. My last wedding there.
Off now to walk Percy Will let you know how tonight goes Love Lesley.x


  1. Such a worthy cause,
    hope all goes well for you and all the plans fall into place.
    Looking forward to the wedding flowers photos.
    Have a sunny weekend
    Joasia x

  2. Coincidentally I was just reading about the open gardens a few days ago. I hope you raise a lot of money for a much worthy cause. Have a lovely weekend. Sharonx

  3. I hope all went well at your meeting! I can't wait to see lots of pictures of your garden.

    Lou xxx
