Thursday, 2 August 2012

Thankyou for my awards very kind of you I will ask James how to put them on here! I have been feeling a little low.I decided to give up my job of 15 years. I just needed some me time. Here are some pictures of my last wedding. I am only doing wedding flowers now.
I have found lots of new blogs to follow some that just blow me away and some that make me think just how lucky I am! I have decided to paint lots of things in the cottage white I feel I need to calm myself down so hopefully this will help.
Lots and Lots of baking and far to much cake eating. Take care Love Lesley.x


  1. Ooh the cakes look lovely Lesley! Hope you're managing to get more time for yourself now.
    Victoria xx

  2. We all need some 'me time' so I'm glad you're taking your share. It seems you've been doing so much this year, its about time you scaled things down.
    All still looks lovely so you should be proud.
    Joasia x

  3. Hope you are not feeling as low now and are finding some time to do the things you enjoy. Take care of yourself x

  4. sounds like you have lots of lovely things planned.
